Contact Us

This site provides free clipart for teachers, as well as permission-only access to ACBL Intro to Bridge teaching materials for teachers and class resources for students.

Permission-only access requires users to REGISTER and create an account. Note your login is not your ACBL member login, it will be whatever you setup when you register. New accounts will be verified, after which the correct resources will be assigned. 

  • Students need their teacher's name and an ACBL member number to register. Student accounts are verified daily, Monday through Friday. If you are not an ACBL member, please contact your teacher to get a free Guest Membership.
  • Teachers need to be an ACBL Member with a teaching certification and Request Usage Rights to the ACBL Intro to Bridge program. Teacher accounts are updated weekly. If you do not have a teaching certification, visit the ACBL Teacher's Lounge to learn how to create a Teacher Profile and get verified. 

Remember you must SIGN IN to access the resources.

Have another question? Please use this Contact Form to send us an email.

What is 11 - 4?